New Year, New Mindset: 5 Changes for a Better, Healthier 2020 - HEALTH and WEALTH


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New Year, New Mindset: 5 Changes for a Better, Healthier 2020

You’ve probably heard the sobering statistic that 80% of people who set New Year’s resolutions don’t keep them. But that also means that 20%—2 out of every 10 people—do succeed in keeping the goals they set at the new year. Despite its low rate of success, some people do reach their new year goals. If you’re ready to make a change in your lifestyle, a new year seems to be the natural time to start.
You can’t just make the resolutions and hope they happen though. After you set your goals, the work to make them happen can begin. It can be done if you make some important changes.
By adopting the following mindset changes, you can have a healthier and happier 2020. And we’re here to help you succeed!

1) Make a mindset change

At Jesse James Fit and Outlaw FitCamp, we emphasize the importance of knowing the WHY of your fitness goals. Do you want to look better? Improve a health condition? KeepUnknown-3 up better with your kids or grandkids? Compete in a race?
Whatever your reasons for wanting to get more fit, you have to keep the “why” in mind as you work toward your goal. If your “why” isn’t a strong enough desire to motivate you to do the hard work, you won’t succeed. Make sure you think through why you want to become more fit. Then write it down and post it somewhere you can see it for a constant reminder. The WHY makes all the difference!

2) Prioritize your spending

Be honest. How much did you spend at Starbucks last year? Or at your favorite spot? If don’t hire a personal trainer because you think it’s too expensive, think again. You may have some costly habits that you could replace with a new habit of working out with a personal trainer at about the same cost. Just think how much healthier you’ll be and how much better you will feel. There are almost always places where someone can cut the expense of unhealthy habits and replace that cost with personal training or group exercise classes—a much better choice.

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3) Make your health a priority this year

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The years are ticking by, and now we’re getting into a whole new decade. Don’t put off fbk-new3making your health a priority! Make 2020, this new year and this new decade, when you finally make your health a priority.
Let those around you know that it’s your priority and then surround yourself with people who will help you be successful. Good health is one of the most important things you can have, so give it the attention it deserves.
This can be the year that you make your health a priority—and we can help you do just that.

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4) Change your habits 

Replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones will help you reach your fitness goals. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, eating fruits and vegetables…slowly and surely when you start practicing healthier habits, your body will respond.

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5) Change your routine—Jesse James Fit and Outlaw FitCamp will get you faster results 

We work hard to make Jesse James Fit and Outlaw FitCamp the absolute best workout facilities you can find. We offer our clients the best training and support available. Our clients are able to take advantage of the following:
  • Wellness scanClients at Jesse James Fit or Outlaw FitCamp can get a wellness scan on our state-of-the-art scanning machine that gives you extensive health information. For our clients, the information we get from your wellness scan lets us tailor your workout more than ever before.
  • Certified personal trainersOur trainers are among the best you’ll find anywhere. All our trainers are certified personal trainers. They know how to get fast and safe results.
  • Group and community accountability
    Not only will you get support from your own personal trainer, but the group and community support you’ll find from our Jesse James and Outlaw FitCamp families can’t be matched.
  • Pricing for all budgets
    We serve all kinds of clients—students, seniors, families, couples, military, fitness competitors, and clients with health problems. We have training and pricing for all types of clients and budgets.

Make 2020 your year for better health!

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Setting goals to be healthier, lose weight, or whatever goal you have can be done any time. But a new calendar year seems to be the time when most people make these resolutions. While many are back to their old habits by February or so, some people do keep at it and continue working toward their goals.

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