31 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat - HEALTH and WEALTH


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31 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat

Fiber is more important to the diet than most people are aware of. Sure, most of us know that we need a healthy diet that has foods high in fiber included, but the reality is that only about 5% of Americans get the amount of fiber that they need each day. The truth is that most people reach for foods that are high in sugar as opposed to high in fiber.
Now, you may have heard that fiber is helpful in regulating bowel movements. It certainly is, but it’s also helpful in other ways, such as helping prevent cancer, heart disease, obesity, and it aids the digestive tract. Therefore, it is essential that you include high fiber items in your diet each day. Women are to aim for 25 grams of fiber per day, and men 35 to 30 grams.
Ready to start eating more?

Here are 31 high fiber foods that you can begin including in your diet


1. Figs

Figs carry about 14.5 grams of fiber in 1 cup. When choosing figs, choose both fresh and dried figs. Figs are wonderful additions to cereals, salads, or simply put on top of crackers with some goat cheese.

2. Avocados

Adding avocados to your diet can certainly boost your fiber intake. With over 10 grams of fiber per cup, this nutrient packed food is also packed with essential vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, E and K. When choosing avocados, choose Florida avocados over California avocados, as the Florida ones have more insoluble fiber.

3. Okra

You’ll find people in the South eating okra all the time, as it’s considered a staple. Not only is it packed with fiber, it’s also filled with nutrients such as vitamins A, K, C, and calcium.

4. Asian pears

Not only high in fiber, Asian pears are also filled with wonderful omega-6 fatty acids.

5. All sorts of Berries

Enjoy berry heaven, as various berries are high in fiber. Choose from raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and cherries. Just a few servings of berries every week could keep your mind sharp longer and help ward off chronic health conditions.

6. Coconut

You can add coconut to your daily eating habits as well, as it boasts about 7 grams of fiber per cup. Coconut has been know over the years to be of immerse health benefits. For instance the coconut oil is a great skin care ingredient and the coconut water is actually very rich in fibre.

7. Artichokes

Artichokes are delicious vegetables that pack about 10 grams of fiber per artichoke. Enjoy some artichoke dip or artichoke bread.

8. Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts are high in fiber, but also are wonderful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

9. Peas

Not only are peas antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, they also pack a mean fiber punch. With over 8 grams of fiber per cup, peas are wonderful additions to any diet. If fresh peas aren’t available, consider purchasing frozen peas and using them all year round.

10. Squash

Go squash crazy with various types of squash. In the winter, choose in-season squash such as butternut squash, pumpkins, and acorn squash.

11. Turnips

The turnip or white turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, bulbous taproot. Turnips are cool-weather vegetables that can be grow in both spring and in fall, avoiding the hot summer months. Turnip have been know to help improve bone and heart health and also boost overall immunity and reduce inflammation. A great source of fibre. Not many people talk about turnips, but they are wonderful vegetables full of rich nutrients. With almost 10 grams of fiber per cup, consider adding funky colored turnips in your life.

12. Lima Beans

Lima beans are important sources of plant proteins. 100 g seeds carry 338 calories and provide 21.46 g or 38% of daily recommended intake of protein. Also, they are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and plant sterols.

13. Black Beans

Black beans are full of protein, but also fiber. Boasting more than 12 grams of fiber per cup, black beans are a wonderful addition to your regular diet. Host a Mexican night and go black bean crazy!

14. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a small legume popular in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Indian cookery. They are usually sold pre-cooked in cans, or dried. Chickpeas are high in fiber and protein, and contain several key vitamins and minerals. Add chickpeas to your salads, wraps, lunches, or make some yummy hummus.

15. Lentils

Lentils is a great source of fibre. This whole food is a sure way to fill your whole body 51ufyMv9wkL.jpgwith energy. Not only does it full your body, it’s also of great aid to the digestive system and boost your immune system. Add the variety of colorful lentils to your diet, perhaps making lentil soup or lentil pilaf.

16. Split Peas

Split peas have more than 16 grams of fiber per cup. Make some split pea soup or include in your stews.

17. Almonds

Almonds are high in protein and fiber as well. Eat a small handful of almonds each day for maximum health benefits.

18. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are considered a superfood, and are high in fiber and other nutrients that assist with healthy bodies. Compared on a per gram basis, chia seeds actually contain more calcium than many dairy based products, and are once again perfect for vegans. Chia seeds contain immerse health benefits.

19. Flax Seeds

You can add flax seeds to salads, yogurt, dinners, or grind them up in a coffee grinder and add to your soups and stews.

20. Edamame

Edamame is a green soybean that tastes a bit nutty, and it’s packed with 16 grams of fiber per cup. You’ll find this nutritious food most likely in the frozen section of your grocery store.

21. Quinoa

Add quinoa to your soups, stews, smoothies, breads, and more.Although it’s technically a41aRUGf5PmL.jpg seed, quinoa has close to double the fiber content of the grains it’s prepared and consumed like. A diet high in fiber promotes digestive health, heart health and can both prevent and improve the symptoms of Type II Diabetes.

22. Pinto Beans

The pinto bean /ˈpɪn.toÊŠ/ is a variety of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). It is the most popular bean in the United States and northwestern Mexico. Here some nutrition value of Pinto Beans. Eat pinto beans as a side dish, or add them to your chili, soups, and stews. They pack about 14 grams of fiber per cup.

23. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans boast about 14 grams of fiber per 1 cup. Make a big batch of chili on those cold days!

24. Dark Rye Flour

Whole wheat flour is great, but dark rye flour is too. With about 7 grams in ¼  cup, this flour goes perfect in breads.

25. Hulled Barley

You may enjoy some barely at your local pub, but hulled barely is certainly more nutritious. Enjoy the whole-grain form of barley that has the outermost hull removed in soups and stews.

26. Steel Cut Oats

Start your day off with some old-fashioned steel cut oats, as it’s packed with fiber. Keep in mind it takes a bit longer to cook steel cut oats over regular oats.

27. Spelt

While not as popular in the US as in Germany, spelt is fiber friendly. Put it in your soups, stews, veggie burgers, and use it instead of rice for your burritos.

28. Wheat Bran

This grain is filled with plenty of fiber and manganese, which will help with digestion and metabolism. Include it in your breads, energy bars, and smoothies.

29. Millet

You may think millet is just for the birds, but it’s actually a fiber-packed food that’s very nutritious for you. Use it in your salads or make a breakfast porridge with it, adding in some cinnamon and fruit.

30. Popcorn

Grab some popcorn and pop it yourself, as it can add wonderful amounts of fiber to your diet. Avoid the bagged popcorn that’s full of sodium. Microwave popcorn should suffice, but choose the healthier kind that doesn’t saturate it with butter and salt.

31. Dates

Dates are jam-packed full of fiber, with 12 grams per cup. Dice some dates up and add to oatmeal, yogurt, breads, salads, and more.

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