The Cinderella Solution(What is it exactly?) - HEALTH and WEALTH


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The Cinderella Solution(What is it exactly?)

What is the Cinderella Solution exactly?

Simply put, the Cinderella Solution is a weight-loss program or regimen for women.
That right there is a classic choice of a name, isn’t it? Since Cinderella is taken to be the universal symbol of transformation of beauty, we can hardly blame the brand for being rather smart.
The Cinderella Story is created by Carly Donovan. It is a series of eBooks in PDF format that brings you a detailed woman’s guide to shedding the unwanted flab.
The program consists of a definite list of weight-loss regimens which the user is supposed to follow in four, well-defined phases. This keeps the entire program easy, simple, and achievable for everyone.
The Cinderella Solution is designed to focus on the transitions of hormones that take place in a woman’s body from puberty to menopause. These hormones play a crucial role in the management of body-weight by directly affecting the production of fat cells. And consequently, they have an enormous impact on the individual’s metabolism.
A major benefit of this program is that it doesn’t involve the intake of pills or supplements which can otherwise potentially interfere with your hormonal functions.
Instead, what the Cinderella Solution does is get you actively engaged in a healthy routine of workouts and a diet which guarantees rapid fat burning. Additionally, it strengthens your overall metabolism, pulling you into great shape along with improving your other bodily functions.

About the Creator

The Cinderella Solution is planned and designed by Carly Donovan. She isn’t one of those much-hyped celebrity-fitness gurus who often make such regimens so much more complicated for us.
Carly is, in fact, your regular girl-next-door who had to face a substantial amount of metabolic and weight problems associated with hormonal transitions. Wisened by experience, Carly was able to conceive a definite plan of action to effectively cope with such a condition. And that is what precisely became the Cinderella Solution.
She now seeks to help thousands of women going through the same issues, helping to reduce the effects of hormonal imbalances.

What is included in the program package?

The entire package of the Cinderella Solution contains the following items:
  • The main user-guide and manual
  • A quick start guide
  • A Video Exercise Guide that lists all the workouts
  • The Accelerator: 21 Day Kickstart Nutrition Guide as a bonus
  • The Movement Sequencing Guide as a bonus
  • Free Best-Selling Anti-Aging Workout DVD as a bonus
The entire program is divided into 3 major parts which are:
  • Part 1: The Program Explained
  • Part 2: Using Your ‘Daily Nutritional Blueprint Book’
  • Part 3: Using Your Movement-Sequencing Exercise Guide

How does the Cinderella Solution work?

As I mentioned earlier, the transition of hormones in a woman’s body could cause irregularities in body weight. This leads to the accumulation of fat.
The Cinderella Solution seeks to neutralize the effects of hormonal imbalance on the system, which can span from puberty to menopause. And it provides you with a detailed insight into how specific diets and workouts can manage your hormonal levels that help regulate your body weight properly.
The program also helps you achieve the ideal weight by focusing on food and workout, instead of just slogging countless hours on the treadmill.
It has 4 main parts that are further divided into a number of routines or schedules. The program primarily focuses on what it terms as “flavor pairing.” This pairs the ideal foods with the kind of workout (exercise) you are supposed to undertake. It goes about systematically to state, define, and explain what the main food elements in each primary food category should you intake.
The program further seeks to create a “sequence” or a combination of the ideal diet and workout to get you into an effective regime. This is known as “movement-sequencing” which brings the ultimate results.
Cinderella Solution touches on some essential points that one should always be informed before starting on a weight-loss plan. These discuss the food quantities required by the body and the ways to deal with hunger pangs. Additionally, the points also state the appropriate timings for meals, and many more such things.
Finally, it gives you the benefits of power-training and fat burning without making you starve. It effectively curbs your cravings in a way that you do not feel hungry more often.

The highlights of this program

Apart from a regime dealing with diets and workouts, the program includes two essential steps of initiation.
These are the “Ignite” and the “Launch” phases. This is a two-step process, or better yet, ritual, that makes your system ready for the next 28 days in the program. These two phases are split up into 2 weeks schedules for each. Additionally, a final step is included after these phases, which is known as the “cycling” phase. This is a step that gives you a combination of the two major phases, ensuring an all-round approach to healthy living.
Cinderella Solution works by freeing up the fat cells to provide the body with an immediate fuel source “on-demand.” It ensures an instant and sufficient energy boost, which helps you work out harder and for longer durations of time. This, in turn, aids rapid fat burning, gradually pulling your body into shape.
The program also uses a “procrastination-method,” which is specially designed for curbing hunger pangs. This helps you escape the urge of overeating or snacking at odd hours. The regimen further brings you the amazing way of finding the “golden hour” to enjoy a classic meal by only using a stopwatch or timer on your smartphone.
One of the most interesting things about this program, in my opinion, is the “Shoku-Iku” ritual. The Shoku-Iku translates into “Nutrition Architecture”. It is fundamentally a “food-pairing” ritual that you will learn as you get more used to the program.
The ritual helps achieve a balance between your hormones and metabolism, promoting health, strength, happiness, and well-being from within.

The advantages of the Cinderella Solution

The Cinderella Solution is a set of guidelines that offers a practical solution for women who are looking to lose weight safely. And from what I can say, the success of the entire program lies in its utmost transparency and realistic approach.
It brings together the primary factors of losing weight, which is workout and diet, in a unique combination. This focuses on the compatibility between these two factors to achieve maximum results!
Some of the things that I really liked about the program are:
  • The Cinderella Solution involves no pills or supplements that could interfere with your hormonal levels.
  • It really gives you a detailed explanation and insight into all the workouts, diets and phases that it brings for the users.
  • The regimen focuses on the nutritional aspect of body weight-management. It brings you a combination or “sequence” of superfoods and ideal workouts to go with them.
  • It helps soothe and alleviate the painful effects of hormonal imbalances by efficient workouts
  • It strengthens your body and improves your overall immunity against diseases
  • The workouts mentioned here are all designed to improve blood circulation in the body. It makes available the stored fat to be used as an immediate fuel source by the body, leading to rapid fat-burning.

Money-Back Guarantee

One of the most significant advantages of this program is that it does offer a trial period of two months with a full-refund policy for all its users. This helps you try out the program in peace and observe the results accordingly.
If you find that it is not working in your favor, you can simply apply for a refund within 60 days and get your money-back with no questions asked.

What could have been better?

Although the program has a considerable number of health benefits to offer, it does come with its fair share of flaws.
  • Firstly, the Cinderella Solution is more like a textbook than your average health-management guide. And although it does have 5 well-defined chapters, it can still come across as pretty long to those who do have the time to go through page by page.
  • This is an online weight-loss program that can only be downloaded and paid for through the internet. This poses an immense challenge to people who don’t have an internet connection.
  • It contains barely any diet options for vegans.

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Final Words

The Cinderella Solution, in my opinion, seems like a legit deal with none of the celebrity-hype surrounding its plans or its creator. This indeed helps you shed those unwanted pounds in the safest and most practical ways ever.
However, at the end of the day, it is still a guide-book that can only instruct. It will need patience and dedication on your part to allow this program to help you.

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